(Note: I wrote the following on 4/1 to be posted 4/2. April fool’s joke on me, I didn’t post it then nor any other blogs since then. It’s been a weird few weeks inside and outside my head. Hopefully I’m coming back online again.)
You may have noticed that I skipped the blog last Friday. Laziness is such an unpleasant word…but in this case at least somewhat applicable. However, I was also a bit busy with last minute preparations for the Beginners Plein Air Watercolor Painting Class at Jester Park that took place the next day.
There were nine students there and all seemed to have a good time. Unfortunately, the weather was as nice as that in the lead photo, too rainy and too cold. The photo leading this post was some plein air I did last fall when conditions were a bit more favorable. On the day of the class we started at 10:30 with about an hour and a half of an introduction to watercolor painting, the tools and materials. This was then followed by some techniques and then finally some hints for plein air painting specifically. This also included painting a demo painting together. The rest of the time was spent free painting. Some people painted found objects in the room we were holding the class and hence were a bit closer to plein air, others painted things a bit further away from that room and plein air. All the paintings were perfect.
If you wanted to join in but couldn’t for one reason or another; we missed you. However, I must be doing something right as Jester Park has asked me to teach another class on August 7th. If the pandemic conditions are more favorable, we plan on increasing the number of students as well. I’ll be posting more details as we get closer to the date and registration has opened up.
As always, be safe and keep doing what you love. Drop me a word or two anytime you feel it. See y’all next week (I hope).