New Artwork, New Product, New Class

Happy Friday from sunny Iowa!

We are in our annual February deep freeze.  Time for me to give thanks that I have an indoor job and to give thanks to all of those who make our lives run by working in the outdoors: mail carriers, police officers, fire fighters, the people who repair and maintain the power, telephone and internet lines and the pizza delivery people.

I’ve had a fantastic week in the studio.  As I’ve announced on social media, I’ve just released four paintings and two of them have sold.  A huge THANK YOU to the buyers.  I am always humbled when someone chooses to spend their hard-earned money on my art. 

I’ve also started a new commission.  I was able to finish the composition design and transfer it to watercolor paper.  I will let it rest over the weekend and look at it wish fresh eyes on Monday.  If it still looks good to me and I get approval of the client, it will be time to splash paint.  I’ll start sharing in progress photos probably midweek next.

Also started developing a new product line of ear-rings.  These will be made from different species of wood and will follow various themes: spring flowers, dancers, faces, etc.  I have the first three pairs ready for the artwork.  I may well have finished product by end of next week.

Lastly, I was invited back to Jester Park Nature Center to teach another beginning watercolor class.  It will be on March 27th from 10:30a to 3:30p.  I’m not sure of all the details yet, but it will be similar to my plein air class last September with social distancing and limited class size.  More details will be forthcoming as I get them.

Well, I should mosey along, I hope you all are staying warm, hopeful and healthy.  Take care, and drop me a line if you feel sociable.–Bill

Medallions of Mock Orange with the first coating of shellac. Next week these will get some artwork and become earrings.